Tuesday, July 5, 2011

From Beat-on SUCCESS. =DDD

Esther this is for you! hahaha..

Joshua 1:8
8 Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

Always on your lips = Talk about it!
Meditate on it day and night = Reflect, eat, digest!
Do = let the word transform you and renew your mind!
Then, you'll be prosperous and successful = God'll grant you success in due time!

Most importantly, you must know
1. who you are
2. whose you are
3. what does God say you are

The road to success might be lonely, dark, bleak, hence God says Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

In due time, I know God will lift you up to be a successful lawyer, in God's term of success. May His view on success be yours too! Hence, start defining what is yours before you let the world help you to decide =). He will bless you just because of one thing, He Loves You =))


Allah mengerti(He understands)

Banyak perkara, yang tak dapat ku-mengerti
(There are many things that I can't understand)
Mengapakah harus terjadi, di dalam kehidupan ini
(Why do they have to happen in this life)
Satu perkara, yang kusimpan dalam hati
(One thing that I keep in my heart)
Tiada sesuatu kan terjadi, tanpa Allah peduli
(Nothing will happen without God's care)

Allah mengerti, Allah peduli 
(God knows, God cares)
Segala persoalan yang kita hadapi
(All the questions/"Whys" that we face)
Tak akan pernah dibiarkannya
(He will not let me/you/us)
Ku bergumul sendiri, sbab Allah mengerti
(To struggle alone,  for God cares!)